How do I get started with Faceident Beta? ↓
Please check out our step by step guide here and videos here
How much does Faceident Beta cost to use? ↓
In our private beta the software is free to use. To get access, register at
I have forgotten my user credentials, can you help me?
Not a problem! Please send an email to and we’ll be happy to help out.
Which versions of macOS does Faceident Beta support? ↓
Faceident works with macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and later.
We write the following fields:
EXIF (ImageDescription, Copyright, XPTitle)
XMP (Headline, Description, Title, LocationShownCity, LocationShownCountryName, Credit, CopyrightNotice, Rights, Creator)
In a future version we will add more fields, including the following fields in XMP: (PersonInImage, Subject, CaptionWriter, WebStatement)
How do I switch between projects in Faceident Beta? ↓
For now, please press quit to close a project and save your data, and reopen Faceident to access a different project from the home screen. Stay tuned, we’re working on a way for you to easily switch between your projects!
Can I run Faceident Beta on several machines with the same user credentials?↓
If you want to run Faceident Beta on several machines with the same credentials, please contact us at
Can I suggest features or report a bug? ↓
Please send us any suggestions and/or problems to
Faceident Beta recognises people incorrectly in sporadic cases. What’s happening? ↓
Whilst unlikely, we have seen some cases where Faceident Beta incorrectly recognises people. The behaviour usually occurs in group pictures with more than 10+ people, or in images with particularly small and far-away faces. Our team is working hard to improve our algorithms; we try ensure that they get more precise and accurate with each update.
How do I check for and install updates to Faceident Beta? ↓
If we release an update, you should be notified automatically and asked to install the update. You can also check this manually in the top menu bar next to the apple logo click on "Faceident"> Check for updates...
Can I share and use my FaceBase with my team together?↓
We are working very hard to offer a team license in the future. Stay posted to hear more.
How do I delete my account and/or end my license?↓
Please send us an email at